Founded in 1958

The club was founded by Harry Walder, a Customs Officer and a member of The Ramblers Association. Many footpaths had not been walked during the war years, were ploughed up, blocked by barbed wire and mostly not signposted. Walking existing Rights of Way was an attempt by the club to promote their use, which has continued to this day. This gives the opportunity to walkers of all ages access to some ancient footpaths, byways and the wide open spaces.

We continue with this aim by exploring the rich and varied landscape of the East Kent countryside and coast. The area offers a diverse range of experience for walkers of varying ages, gender and abilities, which is reflected in those taking part, be they recently retired, still working or long into their retirement. It features the rolling hills of the North Downs, the wide expanses of the Isle of Thanet, as well as the newly opened section of the King Charles III England Coast Path with its mixture of sandy beaches and dramatic cliff tops.